Event Details

Saturday, July 17
4:00 PM
Watch this ordination service and celebrate as 4 pastors are ordained to the gospel ministry. Ordination is a recognition by the church body of a candidate’s calling to pastoral ministry.
Alberta Conference Virtual Camp Meeting 2021: Stronger Together
Speaker: Alex Bryant
Featuring: Samuel & Norma Cadiz, David & Marlene Benjamin, Anthony & Cassandra Kern, Daniel & Iesha Madden, Gary Hodder, Keith Richter, Wayne Williams, George Ali,, Eduardo Sola, Paul & Raquel Antunes, Jeff & Nancy Potts, John & Marilyn Murley, Oneil & Ann-Marie Madden, and Almyra Hodder
Thank you for joining us on our journey across the Alberta Conference, from Lethbridge to Yellowknife, as we grow stronger together.